What Is IaaS: Diving Deep Into the Backbone of Modern Computing

Keeping up with the never-ending tech advancements is now a numero uno, like, what is IaaS? With most businesses adapting to cloud computing, IaaS now stands as a critical player for businesses despite their size.

What is IaaS (infrastructure as a service)

According to Gartner, the global revenue from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) public cloud services experienced a 30% growth in 2022, surpassing the $100 billion mark for the first time.

If you’re new to IaaS and IaaS providers and wondering what makes it every tech business’s favorite, this article is a must-read for you. Learn about what is IaaS, the differences between IaaS and SaaS, its architecture, role, and much more!

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What Is IaaS?

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) involves delegating a company’s IT infrastructure responsibilities to an external service provider. This provider manages physical servers, storage, networking equipment, and the requisite software and services.

According to Virtana Research, over 80% of enterprises employ a multi-cloud strategy and over 78% use over 3 public clouds.

In the era of cloud computing, enterprises are increasingly opting for IaaS providers to oversee their IT infrastructure. Through this outsourcing arrangement, businesses can lower their IT expenses and enhance their IT flexibility.

This approach of IaaS providers enables businesses to adjust the scale of their IT infrastructure as required easily. Consequently, enterprises can promptly adapt to shifts in market dynamics or customer needs without being concerned about the underlying infrastructure.

What Is the Key Feature of IaaS?

As mentioned, it is a business service model that enables businesses to offer their cloud infrastructure as a “Virtual Data Center” support. Primarily, the benefit of IaaS is the scalability it provides. However, there’s more to it.

Here are the key features of all IaaS examples:

  • Cloud virtualization
  • Scalability
  • Backup and recovery
  • Accessibility
  • Platform virtualization
  • Automated task administration
  • API and GUI access

With unmatched characteristics, it stands as a top option for all businesses. According to McKinsey, by 2024, most enterprises aim to allocate $8 out of every $10 dedicated to IT hosting for cloud services. This includes investment in the cloud across various models, such as private cloud, infrastructure as a service , platform as a service, and software as a service.

Benefits of IaaS

Cloud-based services now stand as the future of technology and portray an impressive potential for its computing infrastructure. Here are the top benefits IaaS providers offer:

1. Cost Efficiency

  • It ensures cost efficiency by eliminating the need for upfront investments in maintaining servers, storage, and networking equipment.
  • The pay-as-you-go model shifts from capital to operating expenses, offering a consumption-based approach.

2. Scalability and Flexibility

  • IaaS examples adapt to varying workload demands, providing scalability for businesses of different sizes.
  • It enables swift resource provisioning to meet sudden increases in demand, supporting organizational growth.

3. Accelerated Time to Market

  • IaaS examples expedite time to market by removing upfront costs, allowing for rapid IT infrastructure development.
  • Building an IT infrastructure with virtual machines (VMs) on a limited budget is achievable within hours.

4. Enhanced Support, Performance, and Security

  • IaaS examples ensure secure infrastructure access from any location, incorporating measures like multi-factor authentication and strong encryption.
  • Data centers prevent productivity interruptions.

5. Enabling Business Growth

  • Leveraging IaaS allows organizations to prioritize innovation and business growth, bypassing the complexities of managing IT equipment.

What Is the Architecture of Iaas?

Now that you know what is IaaS, let’s jump to its elements. The elements of it encompass physical and virtualized resources, serving as essential components for executing applications and workloads in cloud environments.

1. Physical Data Centers in IaaS

IaaS providers manage extensive global data centers, hosting the physical machinery for layers of abstraction. Users access this infrastructure as a service without direct engagement with the physical components.

2. Compute

It is often linked to virtualized compute resources, manifested as virtual machines. Providers manage hypervisors, allowing users to programmatically generate virtual instances with defined compute, memory, and, occasionally, storage.

3. Networking in IaaS

Cloud networking utilizes Software Defined Networking, providing programmable access to traditional networking hardware via APIs. Complex scenarios include establishing multi-zone regions and virtual private clouds.

4. Storage Types in IaaS

Cloud storage encompasses block storage, file storage, and object storage. Object storage is dominant due to its distributed nature, use of commodity hardware, accessibility via HTTP, and limitless scalability with linear performance scaling.

The Working of IaaS in Cloud Computing

According to Exploding Topics, the cloud apps market stands valued at $150+ billion. The effective resources cloud computing offers drive this market value. Here’s a dive into the workings of IaaS in cloud computing to better understand what is IaaS.

The users leverage its services and resources via the WAN, abbreviated for the Wide Area Network—for example, the Internet. Simply put, it allows users to access a company’s data and perform computing-related tasks over the Internet.

Overall, the 3rd party cloud service provider hosts the complete IT infrastructure comprising hardware, storage, etc. Following that, the same 3rd party host ensures the management of the IT infrastructure and offers it to the organizations that subscribe to the cloud infrastructure.

Here, the IaaS provider in cloud computing ensures a smooth operation and maintenance of the infrastructure being leveraged by the subscriber organizations. Conclusively, all users can access the resources upon request.

What Are the Roles of IaaS?

The benefits of IaaS examples aren’t limited to latency and sustainability. Instead, Accenture reports that using cloud resources reduces carbon emissions by 86%.

Due to its unmatched benefits, it’s now employed in various organizations. To delve into that, here are the key roles of it:

1. Testing and Development Environments:

IaaS examples offer organizations adaptability in establishing diverse test and development environments, allowing seamless scaling according to specific needs.

2. Hosting Customer-Facing Websites

It renders website hosting more economical than conventional approaches.

3. Data Storage, Backup, and Recovery

IaaS examples are an efficient solution for managing data, particularly in unpredictable or steadily increasing demand situations. It eliminates the need for extensive efforts in data storage management, legal considerations, and compliance.

4. Web Applications

It provides the essential infrastructure for hosting web applications, encompassing storage resources, servers, and networking. Rapid deployments and scalability are tailored to the application’s demand.

5. High-Performance Computing (HPC)

IaaS providers address high-performance computing requirements for specific workloads such as scientific computations, financial modeling, and product design.

6. Data Warehousing and Big Data Analytics

IaaS providers offer the essential computing power for data warehousing and big data analytics, enabling efficient processing of extensive datasets.

What Is the Difference Between SaaS and IaaS?

Cloud, by the name of it, refers to storage. However, unlike random data storage, this elevates to an advanced concept, i.e., remote access to the stored data where more than 1 device is connected via cloud storage.

However, a similar concept, SaaS (Software as a Service), exists too. Here are the main differences between SaaS and IaaS:

Cloud-based software application.A virtual business environment allows businesses to manage their software.
Offered to customers on a subscription basis.A suite of cloud computing services.
Offers ready-to-use software.Businesses can develop, deploy, and manage software.

FAQs - What is IaaS

Is Amazon a PaaS or IaaS?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a blend of PaaS and IaaS. Amazon offers all the essential compute, storage, and network resources as a platform. Meanwhile, its IaaS infrastructure provides a complete computing model for its customers.

What is IaaS in simple words?

IaaS is a cloud computing infrastructure that allows businesses to leverage their computing resources to develop, deploy, and maintain their software.

What is PaaS?

PaaS allows the users to develop, run, and manage their applications.

What is the difference between SaaS and IaaS?

SaaS refers to a business offering software to its customers, such as a VPN subscription. Meanwhile, IaaS (Internet as a Service) is a cloud computing platform where businesses can use its resources for their software.

Wrapping Up

Conclusively, in this article, we covered answers to what IaaS is, the differences between IaaS vs SaaS, and much more. While both majorly differ, an example of SaaS can be a VPN, like FastestVPN.

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