What is ERP Security and How Can You Prevent Risks?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is one computer software that contains all the necessary and vital data of the administrative departments of an organization. ERP systems, like Katana ERP, help better manage the organization as it makes running operations in the organization easier and hitch-free. Now, how does this system maintain cybersecurity? Well, this is where ERP security comes in.

ERP Security and How Can You Prevent Risks

ERP Security in a Nutshell

ERP security is a series of preventive measures taken to ensure your ERP system is protected from illegal access. In clearer terms, it keeps the integrity of your ERP system.

Regardless of the benefits of the ERP system, having all crucial data in one software puts such data at high risk and increases its vulnerability to a hacker. If they can compromise any part of the system, they gain access to valuable information and assets of the organization. This is why ERP security is fundamental to securing your organization from external threats.

Common Vulnerability of ERP Systems

Recent research has shown that cyber attacks on ERP systems have increased as it is not only essential to businesses but also highly susceptible. Some of the common vulnerabilities of the ERP system that cyberbullies leverage include the following:

  • Authorization complexity of ERP systems – Due to the freedom of access of many users in the organization, it causes exposure of your business information. This pass exposure causes many authorization processes, which in turn will make customizing security settings more complex. The more complicated it gets, the possibility of errors increases.
  • Exposure to the internet – Because of the rise of the cyberattack on ERP systems, sellers of ERP systems tend to fix vulnerabilities from time to time. This act further exposes these systems to the dangerous internet world.
  • Lack of trained staff – Most organizations that use ERP systems are not equipped with staff that are aware and adequately trained on ERP systems security. For example, if users do not update their systems properly, it could cause a leak in the security of the system. This increases the risk of threats to such organizations.
  • Manual auditing – ERP systems undergo auditing to ensure all functions are working as they are supposed to. However, ERP systems do not have security auditing and utilize manual auditing. The latter method is time-consuming and very complex, with a high possibility of errors.
  • Delicate systems setup – Since all of the data contained in the ERP system are connected, it leaves room for easy access to all. A single breach of a particular part of the system puts all of the organization’s information contained in the data at risk.

How Does ERP Security Help Protect Your Business?

ERP security helps to protect your organization’s information by:

  • Ensuring data integrity by deploring all measures to keep data intact.
  • Identifying unauthorized access by covering different aspects of the organization, including infrastructure, network, operating system, and database
  • Detecting exploitation and fraud regarding sensitive ERP data.

Best Practices to Secure Your ERP System

The following are some of the best practices that your business can use to promotor ERP security and prevent risks:

  • Have a safe password – Ensuring good password creation and utilization is one core best practice. It helps to limit the exposure of your organization’s information. Using a 2-step authentication process by every employee is also an added advantage. It helps to prevent sharing of passwords and protects sensitive data.
  • Give read-only access to team members – This can be done by role-based authorization. This practice ensures that critical information is not altered or passed into the wrong hands. Even when new hires or staff are promoted to different departments, role-based authorization ensures that vital data is kept safe.
  • Endeavor to prevent both external and internal risks – Having well-trained and informed staff is an excellent practice, no doubt, as it helps a lot to reduce the possibilities of internal breaches. Also, make sure your ERP system is protected from external risk. Getting software that can detect fraud, keep data integrity, prevent leaks, and keep cyberbullies at bay reduces external risks.


Finally, it is imperative that organizations pay utmost attention to cyber security and not just depend only on ERP vendor tools. All hands must be on deck, and necessary actions needed should be taken regardless of the cost.

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