What is Cybercrime?

With technology advancing and the dependence on the internet increasing by the day, users have considerably vulnerable to certain criminal activities. In other words, the web is being widely misused by some users for all sorts of reasons.

What is Cybercrime

Have you ever experienced or witnessed inappropriate behavior or activities over the web? Something that probably feels like it doesn’t belong on the internet or it’s just not morally and ethically correct; there’s a high chance that you came across an act of cybercrime.

What exactly is cybercrime?

Cybercrime is refers to any form of criminal activity that involves a computer and the internet. Cybercrime can use a computer to perform a particular crime by targeting a user(s), on a lower scale.On a larger scale, it can be used to threaten a person’s security and financial position. However, if done by a professional, it can be upgraded to such a level that it puts an entire nation’s security at risk.

It shouldn’t be taken lightly at all; cybercrime is known to be incredibly dangerous.

How does cybercrime take place?

As mentioned above, cybercrime is done with great attention to detail, and many cybercriminals buy and sell malware online on the dark web. They even get their malware tested to determine the efficiency of their viruses.

Once the criminal has a working plan and code, they carefully attack multiple systems. Cybercrime is now known to cause financial damage to many institutions. With many devices depending on the internet, it allows cybercriminals to make steal confidential information and steal as much money as possible.

There are many types of cybercrimes and done in multiple ways. Keep reading to find out more.

Types of Cybercrime

Cybercrime can be as simple as intercepting a computer system by transmitting malware to hacking the entire US stock market. It has many forms, here are some of the most common examples of cybercrime.

1- Malware

The most common form of malware that cybercriminal has created is malware. Malware is a malicious code that can alter the functionality of a computer and even cause damage. It infects the computer and destroys or corrupts files and slows down the overall performance of the computer. Malware can also include multiple types of malicious software such as ransomware, which encrypts your data and asks for a money to unlock it.

2- Cyberbullying

Attacking people over the internet, harassing them, or stalking them endlessly are all forms of cyber bullying. Cyberbullying can further lead to destroying a person’s reputation online by releasing personal data. Or it could lead to more dangerous events.

3- Cryptojacking

The process where a hacker hijacks your device to mine cryptocurrency without your consent is known as cryptojacking. They normally gain access to your device once you visit an already infected or malicious website or download a malicious program.

4- Cyberespionage

Many hackers are indeed state-sponsored groups which are then used to hijack or compromise classified state intelligence. It’s a dirty move used commonly in global politics, many states hire such groups to use them as a weapon against their opponents.

5- Identity Theft

To gather enough information about the victim, an identity thief uses several methods such as:

  • Pharming: It is when a criminal unknowingly reroutes the user to a fake version of the website and asks for their details or credentials. For example, you could be wanting to open your bank’s login page, and the website could easily be duplicated into a fake version of the same website. It would then request you to enter your details, and instead of logging you in, the hacker will get a hold of your credentials.
  • Phishing: It is kind of a spam email that tricks you into downloading or accessing a malicious link. Phishing emails try to create a sense of urgency and try to lure in the user and then ask for private information such as credentials.
  • Sniffing: It is commonly practiced on public Wi-Fi or unprotected networks, where it is easier to track a user’s internet activity and be able to record or monitor whatever the user is browsing while connected to the public network.
  • Keylogging: This malicious software records everything that a user types on its device, allowing the hacker to easily find out.

How to Prevent Cybercrime

Now that you are aware of the several types and modifications in cybercrime, you must also learn the methods that should be adopted to prevent yourself from becoming a victim. We’ve made a list of a few preventive measures that you should be taking to stay safe:

1- Download an anti-virus

Anti-virus is essential while you are setting up your system; it helps you detect if anything suspicious is going on in your computer or on the website you’re currently viewing. Moreover, it will protect you from any uninvited malware while also keeping away any other sorts of malicious activities.

2- Don’t open spam emails or click random links

It is a rather obvious solution; one should refrain from opening any spam emails or suspicious links. If it seems too good to be true, then the chances are that a cybercriminal is trying to lure you into its trap. So don’t open any links or emails without complete verification.

3- Download a VPN

A very easy and effective way to avoid attempts of sniffing is through using a VPN. Free VPNs offer little to no protection in reality. FastestVPN offers you complete privacy and security for just $10 a month. It will mask your identity and encrypt your data while you browse the web freely without having to worry about cyber criminals monitoring your internet activity.

4- Update your software

The most important thing that we don’t pay as much attention to is software updates. Older software versions are more vulnerable to hacking attacks and can easily be exploited, which is why it is always wise to keep your devices up to date.


With cybercrime and technology on the rise, we need to be wary and look out for one another. It is important to educate ourselves and the people around us so that we can prevent ourselves from falling victim to these crimes.

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