The Official Guide On How To Install Ccloud TV Kodi Add-On

Entertainment enthusiasts often resort to Kodi for streaming. One of the most popular addons that have served Kodi users for years is cCloud TV. Those who do not know how to install cCloud TV on Kodi can go over this 5-minute guide! All you need to be attentive of is that your device is connected to FastestVPN at all times so you can overcome geo-restrictions and stream anonymously.

Install Ccloud TV Kodi Add-on

What is Kodi, and how does it work?

Before you learn how to install Ccloud TV Kodi add-on, you must first know how Kodi works and what it is? Kodi was officially created in 2002 and slowly grew to become the words, leading open-source streaming platform. Kodi is essentially available for all operating systems and numerous hardware platforms, hosting a large library of movies, TV shows and documentaries for their customers. As of recently, Kodi also introduced their latest updated version, which comes with a wide range of exciting features as well. Whether, it be; audio files, weather forecasts, video, audio visualizations, image formats, playlists, slideshows, or third-party plugins, Kodi has it all.

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As a streaming platform, Kodi does not require any additional or strenuous hardware requirement, so you have no reason to worry, just download the app and start watching. Remember to also subscribe to FastestVPN, whenever you are downloading add-ons from unknown third-party websites. However, for the most part, Kodi also has its own set of add-ons like Ccloud.

What is Ccloud TV Add-on?

Ccloud TV is this readily available for download Kodi add-on. Their services are, however, also compatible with numerous other devices. They allow you to watch the latest TV shows, movies, documentaries, and sports content in a broad range of exciting categories. However, Ccloud TV add-on may be geo-restricted to many Kodi users; thus, we recommend you also subscribe to FastestVPN to remove these restrictions.

Ccloud TV App on Kodi 18 Leia

Before you download Ccloud TV app for Kodi 18, Leia remember to also subscribe to FastestVPN before doing anything online.

  1. Open Kodi > Select the settings icon on the top left > File Manager
  2. Select to add source by double-clicking > Then ‘none.’
  3. Paste the CCloud repo exactly as it is ( > Confirm by clicking ok > Choose a name for the repository > Select ok once done
  4. Back in the Kodi homepage > Click the add-ons options (open box icon)
  5. Choose to install from zip file > Select the repository you named > Select repository
  6. Tap to select AndroidABA > Select the repository > Click on the > Wait for a few moments for the repository to finish installing
  7. Go to the install from repository > Select the kodil repository from the various options you have.

Finally, select video add-ons > Look for cCloud TV add-on and select > Tap to install > Once done downloading select add-ons and choose the category you wish to watch your content from.

Ccloud TV Kodi repositories

Ccloud TV add-on is an extremely popular Kodi add-on; for that reason, it can also be found in various repositories. This has the benefit of never halting your entertainment even if one of their repositories are down. Remember, to also download FastestVPN when online, to protect your data from hackers and other third-parties. Thus here is a list of Ccloud repositories;

  • Kodil Repository
  • TKNorris Repository
  • Lazy Kodi Repository
  • Kodi Tips Repository
  • Exodus Repository

Ccloud TV Alternative Add-on’s

Despite being a relative popular add-on, Ccloud TV Kodi has very few alternatives, when it comes to the sheer number of channels and networks nothing can beat Ccloud. However, add-ons are essentially unpredictable, and it is possible that Ccloud TV add-on could possibly have a server failure or be restricted in your area. Whatever the case these alternative add-ons should provide the same level of entertainment as Ccloud. Remember to also subscribe to FastestVPN if you don’t wish for your online data or privacy to be compromised by any third-part.

  • SkyNet Kodi
  • Joker Sports Kodi
  • Just Sports Kodi
  • StreamHub Mobdro Kodi
  • Genesis Reborn
  • IPTV Kodi

Note: FastestVPN was formed on the principles of customer service, speed, security. In 2019 FastestVPN was also featured on Forbes online website as the best budget VPN, so you can rest assured when availing their services.

Ccloud Kodi Issues and their solutions

All Kodi add-ons are in reality, created by other independent developers; thus, there is sure to be problems/issues when running them. Kodi users have no reason to worry, however; follow these guides to fix your add-on issues.

  • Repository not connecting

The notice that your repository could not connect to the network is much more common than you may think and can appear for multiple reasons. The most common reason’s being your Kodi isn’t able to access the internet, or isn’t able to access the content of the repository.


Follow these steps to fix this issue;

  • Reset your internet connection if not working
  • Double-check the URL you are entering is correctly written
  • Remember also to add a slash at the end of the URL, or an error may appear
  • If the pop-up window shows an error it is possible that the repository is not working
  • Make sure the URL you are entering properly running by typing the URL on your web browser

Error for checking log

A log check error is extremely common whenever a repository stops working, or when your content fails to stream on your Kodi. This problem is often extremely common when users are watching live IPTV channel or live Sports channels.


The log check error is common when the content you’re watching is geo-restricted in your area. Follow these steps to solve this issue;

Make sure the original location the content you’re watching on your Live IPTV channel isn’t restricted in your area.

If you’re watching content, which is restricted in your area, subscribe to FastestVPN, and connect to another country’s location. The problem should be solved after this.

Wrapping UP

Now that you reached the end of your blog on how to install Ccloud TV Kodi add-on, you can easily get the addon and enjoy the latest shows, movies, and documentaries. Don’t forget to make sure you are connected to FastestVPN at all times since Kodi is an open-source platform and the addons may either be geo-restricted or contain malware. Also with FastestVPN you have the added advantage of being able to block any unwanted advertisements, and protect your data from any third parties or phishing attempts. Install cCloud TV addon on Kodi, pair it with FastestVPN and enjoy!

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