Can You Connect a PS5 Controller to a PS4? Using the Backdoor

Playstations keep evolving, but can you connect a PS5 controller to a PS4? According to Sony Interactive Entertainment, in 2023, PS5 has sold over 50 million units! And being a present version, the stats are expected to increase.

Connect PS5 Controller to PS4

While PS5 is completely backward compatible, users still need to use the cloud-based features of the remote play app. Following that, the question of using the same controller arises. For example, “Can you connect a PS5 controller to a PS4?”

Find out if you can use a PS5 controller on PS4 and ways you can do so.

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Can I Use a PS5 Controller on a PS4?

According to Statista, in spring 2023, the number of users subscribed to PlayStation Plus was estimated to be around 47.4 million, indicating that gamers are willing to spend some additional money to gain access to a broader range of gaming options.
Normally, PS5 controllers aren’t compatible with the PS4. You can’t typically connect PS5 controller on PS4 and play your favorite games straightaway. Like any other production company, Sony encourages purchasing the complete PS5 console if you want to use its latest controller.

However, there are alternative methods to play PS4 games with the PS5 controller without owning a PS5. Generally, there are 2 ways to use a PS5 controller on a PS4.

Answering the question of “can you use a PS5 controller on a PS4,; you can carry on with 2 options:

  • The remote play app
  • A Bluetooth PS5 controller adapter for PS4

How to Use the Remote Play App to Use the PS5 Controller on PS4

So, can you use a PS5 controller on a PS4? You can easily use the PS5 Controller on PS4 by installing the remote play app on your smartphone or computer. Following the installation, proceed with the on-screen instructions. Meanwhile, you must ensure the PS5 controller is connected to your smartphone or the computer via Bluetooth.

By following this method, you can easily play your favorite PS4 games on the PS4, but we normally don’t recommend it for a smooth game-play experience. Speaking of that, ensure using FastestVPN for a seamless gaming experience on your Play Station.

Can You Use a PS5 Controller on a PS4? How to Use the Bluetooth PS5 Controller Adapter for PS4

Generally, this option is more convenient, facilitating a smooth gameplay experience. It’s a compact Bluetooth device that you can connect to your PS4. Following that, the adapter connects to the PS5 controller via Bluetooth. Meanwhile, your Play Station 4 confirms the adapter as a Bluetooth controller.

Breaking down the process, here’s how you can use a PS5 controller adapter for PS4:

  • Plug the adapter into an available USB port on your PS4 console.
  • Locate the pairing button on the adapter.
  • Press the pairing button until LED lights start blinking, indicating it’s in pairing mode.
  • Hold down the PlayStation button (the logo in the middle) and the Create button simultaneously on your DualSense controller.
  • Keep holding the buttons until the DualSense controller flashes blue.
  • Allow the adapter and the DualSense controller a few moments to establish a connection.
  • Once connected, you should notice a steady light on the adapter and the DualSense controller.

What Are the Limitations of Using the PS5 Controller Adapter for PS4?

For accessing the basic features, using a bluetooth adapter is a recommended option to use the PS5 Controller on PS4. However, additional features are normally unavailable through Bluetooth. Delving into the details, you can’t use the adaptive triggers and the haptic feedback option.

Additionally, a few functionalities may stay limited. For example, you can’t access the PlayStation button to turn the console on even when it’s off. Overall, the experience won’t largely differ, but you should expect cutting out a few additional features from the list when utilizing this option.

FAQs - Can You Connect a PS5 Controller to a PS4

Can PS4 and PS5 use the same controller?

Yes, you can use your PS5’s controller, but you can only use a Bluetooth adapter or the remote play app.

Is there a way to connect a PS4 controller to a PS5?

You can connect a PS4 controller to a PS5 through a USB cable. Connect the controller to your PS5 through the cable and sync it through the settings. Once the process is complete, you can wirelessly continue using the PS4 controller on PS5.

How to connect a PS5 controller to a PS4 without adapter?

You can connect it through the remote play app. Although this option will keep the gaming experience extremely basic and limited, it’s a great way if you’re cutting out on cost. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Install the PS Remote Play app on your computer or smartphone.
  • Open the app and sign in to your PlayStation Network (PSN) account.
  • Tap the PS4 option to search for your console and establish a connection.
  • Adhere to the on-screen instructions provided by the app to complete the setup.
  • Navigate to the Settings on the function screen.
  • Within Settings, go to Remote Play Connection Settings.
  • Turn on the "Enable Remote Play" option.

How to connect PS5 controller to PS4 with USB?

Connect the PS5 controller adapter for PS4 to your PS4 device. This can be any reliable bluetooth adapter for controllers. Following this, pair the adapter to your PS5 controller. PS4 now recognizes the adapter as a general bluetooth device connection.

Can you connect a PS5 controller to a PS4?

Yes, you can connect the PS5 controller to a PS4 via the remote play app or by using a bluetooth adapter.

Final Words

This article generally answered your question of “can you use a PS5 controller on a PS4?” You can always want to use your PS5 controller on your PS4, and while there’s no straightforward way, there are always backdoors to save your back. For example, using a bluetooth controller adapter or leveraging the remote play app.

Additionally, console gaming, such as Xbox is exposed to various threats, such as DDoS attacks, data breaches, and other cyber threats. We recommend using FastestVPN for safe and secure gaming to avoid these lingering threats.

Although you can’t directly download and configure FastestVPN on the PS, you can configure it on your router and connect the Play Station device to the same router connection.

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