Can a VPN Help Reverse the Self-exclusion?

Self-exclusion programs like GamStop truly offer problem gamblers a reliable way to protect themselves from a gambling addiction. The best thing about these programs is the fact they are based on “self-exclusion” that requires the gambler to take action. They also give the gambler the right to determine the length of their actual exclusion.

Can a VPN Help Reverse the Self Exclusion

For all the good these programs do, many of these programs have a weak link. That weak link is the fact gamblers don’t have the ability to resume their online gambling activities if they change their minds.

Yes, them not being able to gamble for their own benefit is the whole point of problem gambling programs. With that said, a self-excluded gambler should have the right to change their mind since the original decision to register for self-exclusion was theirs.

Here is the quandary this issue creates. If a gambler decides they want to gamble, they are going to gamble. If they don’t have access to one place, they will likely go in search of alternatives. That includes gambling through online casinos that are not on GamStop.

What other options does a self-excluded gambler have?

The list of other options a self-excluded gambler has when they want to gamble online includes:

  • Using UK gambling sites that do little to no account verification
  • Going abroad for online gambling activities
  • Opening gambling accounts under other identities
  • Using Bitcoin gambling sites that don’t request personal information
  • Use a VPN to facilitate gambling activities
  • Gambling through retail gambling facilities

From this list, we would like to focus on how using a VPN can help a self-excluded gambler like you, resume online gambling activities.

How does a VPN help reverse the effects of Self Exclusion?

One of the ways self-exclusion programs track the activities of self-excluded gamblers is by tracking their IP addresses. A lot of online casino gambling and sports betting websites use this option effectively when their gamblers use the same IP addresses for their gambling activities.

In the battle for the right to resume online gambling activities, self-excluded gamblers might want to consider using a VPN when they sign onto a gambling account. With that in mind, we would like to discuss two ways that using a VPN can help you reverse the effects of self-exclusion programs:

1. VPN When Using Existing Gambling Accounts

Let’s be clear about something. When you registered with GamStop or another self-exclusion program, you probably provided your name, email address, and mobile phone number.

They already know about your most common IP addresses and the details of your funding methods. All of these pieces of information are ways self-exclusion programs track your activities. The IP address piece is one you can circumvent with a VPN.

A VPN is an encrypted internet connection that goes through an alternative server. It allows the user to connect without the targeted website being able to tell who the person is and where the connected individual is located. Can you see the possibilities?

We would be remiss not to mention there is usually a subscription fee associated with using a VPN solution. The subscription fees are not generally significant, but you can expect to purchase the right to use a VPN service.

Sometimes, software security providers like Norton a McAfee will offer a VPN as part of its services. Before you agree to a subscription, you should do some research and try to find free solutions – with very few of them being safe.

If you were to use a VPN when connecting through your existing self-excluded gambling accounts, you and your location would be disguised. If that were to be the primary sources a gambling site uses to identify you, you might be able to gamble through those existing accounts; GamStop, or otherwise.

Caution: The VPN option is mute if the online operator is using other means to block your online gambling activities. That is especially true if your account or accounts were to be completely locked down. It’s one of those things you can give a try. It might work but then again, it might not.

2. VPN When Using Offshore Online Gambling Providers

Gambling online through gambling sites that operate out of other jurisdictions (offshore) is another way you can get around self-exclusion programs like GamStop.

The fact foreign online gambling operators are very welcoming to UK online gamblers makes this a viable option. However, some offshore operators don’t provide connectivity to gamblers in other countries

Also, the UKGC has laws about using debit/credit cards to fund gambling accounts, especially offshore gambling accounts. If you can’t find a way to fund a gambling account, you, wanting to gamble online in any jurisdiction, is going to be a problem.

As you can imagine, a VPN can get around these problems. Once you resolve the connectivity issue, you would be able to gamble online with operators in most parts of the world. That provides you with a vast selection of online gambling alternatives.

To conclude

Here is the bottom line. If you have had a change of mind about your self-exclusion, you might have to get creative if you want to resume gambling online. Using a VPN is a viable option. You can get online access to VPN solutions through the internet. Type VPN services in the UK.

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